InEnvoy ProxybyMatt KleinIntroduction to modern network load balancing and proxyingIt was brought to my attention recently that there is a dearth of introductory educational material available about modern network load…Dec 28, 201743Dec 28, 201743
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Takahiko KawasakiDiagrams And Movies Of All The OAuth 2.0 FlowsDiagrams and movies of all the 4 authorization flows defined in RFC 6749 (The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework) and one more flow to…May 26, 201714May 26, 201714
Matt KleinMeltdown and Spectre, explainedAlthough these days I’m mostly known for application level networking and distributed systems, I spent the first part of my career working…Jan 15, 201812Jan 15, 201812
Mohammed Rauf Ali KhanELF Malware Analysis for BeginnersThe following sequential procedure can be utilized to find identities of compromise while analyzing an executable and linkable format file.Dec 14, 2023Dec 14, 2023
Tyler WallSOC Analyst Roadmap to SuccessThis article will discuss background specific tips for landing your first SOC Analyst role.Feb 7, 20245Feb 7, 20245
Ishan DharHere is all you need to know about File Descriptors in linuxI bet you have come across File Descriptors many times and never really understood what is the limit on File Descriptors and what the hell…Sep 6, 2023Sep 6, 2023
ByteBusterXEssential GitHub Repos for Cybersecurity StudentsYour Gateway to Invaluable Resources, Tools, and Knowledge in CybersecurityOct 7, 20232Oct 7, 20232
AnanyaUnderrated self-help books no one talks aboutWhen we think about the best self-help books, certain titles immediately come to mind — books like “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective…Apr 30, 202316Apr 30, 202316
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